Endless space 2 ships vanishing
Endless space 2 ships vanishing

endless space 2 ships vanishing

Fully establishing an outpost or a colony could require a supply line to one of your core systems, or simply that the system is controlled by your ships, or at least free of enemy ships.Until then, they would still be considered neutral territory for cold war purposes, meaning you could attack them or perhaps even build a competing outpost in the same system (and then pretend you were there first ). The legitimacy of an outpost could take some time to establish, instead of instantly including the system into a regime's core worlds.However once one of the two parties has attacked or been caught red-handed ambushing or sabotaging, both can engage in them.

endless space 2 ships vanishing

A peaceful policy would only allow covert actions, initially. Your first contact policy would dictate if you're allowed to engage in hostile cold war actions first.In the case of an AI target it would tend to reply in kind, too, probably escalating a little. Of course, both for this kind of attack and the aforementioned sabotage activity if you get discovered or suspected, your relations with the target race and your overall reputation would suffer. We should also be able to mount an direct, undisguised attack on an outpost or ship prancing through our own territory or through neutral space without declaring war.Perhaps this could be a mechanic linked to espionage and envoys. Overall, when a player or AI just spams explorers and builders far from their home, it feels weird that I cannot arrange "unfortunate accidents" for those, ideally trying to disguise the killings as pirate activity or exploration gone awry.

endless space 2 ships vanishing

  • Cold war as described above as a default status after first contact seems like a better default than the current friendly open borders vs hostile closed borders dichotomy.
  • Here are a few ideas to adapt those concepts to Stellaris: Provocative and hostile actions will lead to demands to stop, retalation, and eventually to proper war. Most AIs will leave your science ships alone during cold war as long as you leave theirs alone. You can have a low-scale war over unclaimed territory, and see what you can away with without triggering "real" war. I think this gives a much better feel to the land grab phase.
  • You can blockade a colony-in-progress to stop resources from reaching it and thus prevent the system from becoming part of enemy territory.
  • Conquering a system is not just a matter of plopping down a quickly built outpost, you must either colonize the system or wait for your Civ-style influence border that grows around colonized systems to reach it.
  • Transitioning out of it is gated, IIRC by technology and the equivalent of Influence Points) (Of course, Cold War limits the diplomatic options available.
  • Empires' default relation is Cold War, which means that borders are not closed and you can't attack enemy systems, but their ships are fair game if they cross over into your territory or you encounter them in unclaimed space.
  • This is where I start missing some Endless Space 2 mechanics. One thing that can be annoying in Stellaris is the occasional inability to do anything about one specific expansionist neighbour's mad land grab, short of declaring an all-out war.

    Endless space 2 ships vanishing